As one of our millions of FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to contact your Members of Congress – your congressman and both senators – and ask them to sign the Lee and Meadows letters to affirm that they will not vote for any government spending bill that includes continued funding for ObamaCare.
Implementing the President’s signature achievement has become, as the law’s primary author has conceded, a train wreck. Enrollment is set to begin on October 1st, and the mandates and subsidies on January 1st, yet the administration has conceded that it is not certain it will have crucial parts of the complicated new system ready in time. Insurers are leery of entering the exchanges, some exchanges are behind schedule, and it is clear ObamaCare implementation will sharply raise insurance costs for many Americans – especially younger adults.
The Obama administration’s response to all of these troubles has been to grant more than 1,200 waivers to politically connected entities. More recently, it has granted the biggest waiver to date: a complete suspension of the employer mandate. Meanwhile, the individual mandate remains, fining anyone who fails to buy government-approved health insurance.
This selective enforcement of the law – granting exemptions to big business but not to individuals – adds a final exclamation point to the mound of evidence that ObamaCare is not ready for prime time. As Senator Mike Lee has said, “If the administration will not enforce the law as written, then the American people should not be forced to fund it.” If Congress fails to use its power of the purse to withhold further funding, it will be complicit in ObamaCare’s harms and the rank unfairness of its implementation.
I urge you to call your Members of Congress and ask them to sign the Meadows letter (in the House) or the Lee letter (in the Senate) to commit to defunding ObamaCare. We will count their signature as a KEY VOTE when calculating the FreedomWorks Economic Freedom Scorecard for 2013. The Scorecard is used to determine eligibility for the FreedomFighter Award, which recognizes members who consistently vote to support economic freedom.
Matt Kibbe
President and CEO
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