America deserves a strong leader during the government shutdown, not one who merely allows us to stumble along, doing whatever we want in the middle of the greatest crisis of all time. President Obama should take the threat to his credibility seriously, and not allow Americans to lose sight of the central role of government in their lives.
The Obama administration shows only limited desire to conduct a proper shutdown, opting instead to close only 17% of the government. Despite repeated calls by Republicans for the President to provide leadership to control the surging throngs of anarchist rioters during the government shutdown, to date the White House has offered only the mildest of efforts to dissuade the huddled masses from their trespasses against the state.
While the administration wisely issued orders to make things as painful as possible for these rebellious Americans, its efforts have been largely passive. The authorities have failed to deploy water cannons or erect permanent barriers around national monuments. The public may sense weakness.
In many of our nation's cities, for instance, there is no curfew. In others, the curfew is only for the underage. The public may sense weakness, and sensing weakness, begin to assert its rights. We can't have that now can we?
Older people are frequently allowed to wander the streets after dark, visiting each other's homes, even patronizing businesses. Allowing the use of public resources in this manner during a government shutdown sends the wrong message.
A president reelected telling us "You didn't build that!" should not now be allowing us to use the infrastructure someone else built. We might get the idea that a government of a smaller size would be enough to secure our capitulation.
The Interstate Highway system, despite being a federal government idea, remains open. Often used in interstate commerce, the system's primary use is, of course, to transport people to spots from which they can view federal property. Leaving these criminal networks open is a sign of weakness no wise ruler would allow.
The administration made only a half-hearted attempt at closing the world's oceans, many of which contain federally regulated water runoff. Ungrateful boat owners continue to use these and other navigable waters, which may even provide them with viewing access to natural beauty, or worse, to federal property.
Welcome to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan. Call your congressman. #Ridiculous,
If people can't approach these sites by land, they shouldn't be able to see these sights from water. It isn't right. It isn't fair.
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