Dear FreedomWorks member,
As one of our millions of FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to contact your Representative and urge him or her to co-sponsor the Federal Repeal of Expensive Exchanges (FREE) Act, H.R. 1908. Introduced by Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-5), this bill would repeal ObamaCare’s expensive insurance premium subsidies, as well as the unconstitutional employer and individual mandates.
Health insurance exchanges are the heart of ObamaCare, the bureaucratic entities in each state which perform a multitude of functions essential to operating the law. The foremost of these responsibilities is to distribute the insurance premium subsidies that are intended to lower the cost of the government-approved insurance plans individuals are required to buy.
These premium subsidies were always going to be a major cost within ObamaCare, but as the actual implementation date for the law approaches, the estimated price tag just keeps rising. Already, the amount budgeted for the subsidies has increased to over $600 billion dollars through 2021. That price tag will continue to grow as more employers choose to drop their coverage and force their employees into the exchanges because of the enormous increases in health care costs ObamaCare is causing.
The exchanges also determine whether individuals have a government-approved health insurance plan, and collect the insurance data that is used to determine whether individuals or businesses are complying with ObamaCare’s mandates.
Rep. Salmon’s FREE act would liberate taxpayers from the hundreds of billions in new spending from the premium subsidies, and would also release Americans from the government’s unconstitutional attempts to coerce them into buying insurance if they do not wish to purchase it – effectively blocking the exchanges. To block the exchanges is effectively to stop ObamaCare’s government takeover of health care in its tracks.
Blocking these crucial pieces of ObamaCare would also save individuals from the massive increase in the cost of health insurance that is being caused by the ironically-named “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”.
Thus, I urge you to contact your Representative and urge him or her to support the FREE Act (H.R. 1908), and to co-sponsor the bill if they have not already done so.
Matt Kibbe
President and CEO
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